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Friday, August 19, 2011

Dream a Little Dream (job) or is it Dream Big or go Home?

So.....I started thinking about dreams and dream jobs......I mean really.....we convince ourselves that the grass is always greener on the other side.......we glamorize a dream job as the utopia we can't wait to live in.....but in reality......a dream job is just that.....a dream and a job.  Dreams are great.....with out's hard to get through this life.   Jobs....I suppose, are great too.....with out them we really can't have a dream or live in the "American dream".

My previously life, in the "fashion" world, might be considered someones dream job.  While it can and was glamorous (yes...I had to sing the song glamorous life in my head to see if I was spelling the word glamorous  it was long hours and hard work and yes, lots of math that involved algorithms....all though there were many times that I enjoyed the perks of the job and even the hard was just with blood, sweat and tears.  Sometimes, I think we forget about hard work when we think dream job....I mean, I know it takes hard work to make something come to fruition, but when we are talking about living a dream.....we tend to forget about the hard work that goes into it or rather think that just because it's a dream job.....the hard work will be all the easier....when in reality....your dream job might be the hardest thing you will ever do.

So...don't dream a little dream.....dream big (if you don't...someone else will)....but be ready to work hard.....harder than you ever have if you want to make it work.  You might as well be loving what you do......because someone once told is work......that's why they call it love what you do. Any questions?  Ciao for now.  Who 2Be 2Day 2Change 2Morrow.


dancingthrulife said...

questions? ...but not sure where to begin..

L.Borland said...

Guess you have to begin somewhere....start asking....