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Monday, January 30, 2012

Ready, Set.......SSTOOOOOPPPP? or JUMP.....

"You can't be that kid standing at the top of the water slide, over thinking it.  You have to go down the chute." -Tina Fey Bossy Pants

I climbed to the top of the CVCS high dive.  I made the top....I was gonna show them how awesome I was...I had the "it" bathing suit and so was making a stir....except, when I got wasn't so easy.  It was windy.  It was high.  Everyone was least it looked like friends were all watching and that mattered most.  I can't do this I thought....except the line waiters were getting anxious and I could feel they were about to yell up to me....which of course would be the most embarrassing thing ever....So I jumped.  It was all good.  But I never forgot that feeling. I also never forgot the feeling when I questioned another about what would happen if we did this impulsive thing I just blurted out.  That person said I don't know....just do it...and I did....and it sucked.  And then the plenty of times I just took a risk and ran with it and hot damn it was great.

Life does require time to think, time to stop and smell the roses.  We have fear for a reason.  If we weren't afraid of anything, we would do many crazy, inappropriate, dangerous and harmful things.  However, there does come a time where you either sh!# or get off the pot.  Times when you just go with your gut and other times you do the pro con analysis.  Little can just go with.  Big things....some times you just have to jump...and remember the roses are on the ground....but don't stop reaching for the stars.  Sometimes, it's better to have IT done, than to not have done at all.

Are you ready to see what is on the other side of that mountain?

Today, I learned to embrace fear and not banish it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Generation G ready for Battle in Washington

Article first published as Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped up Kicks? on Technorati.

Preface to the link above: There are many facets of President Obama's State of the Union Address that can be debated, discussed and of course soon brought to fruition, if we can all just take a step back and look at the common mission that we all face.

 My article is not going to discuss fracking and new energy or jobless rates and new business.  Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped Up Kicks is about looking at THE COMMON MISSION we all face in America.

 It is about looking at how far we have come in the last 4 years and by that I mean look wear Obama started in 2008.  Where were you in 2008?  Maybe you think you are not much better off, but look at the Dream....The American Dream that is out there for the taking.  So many are unemployed, but so many jobs in the technology sector sit empty.  What does that mean?  It means reinvention.....reinvention of yourself, reinvention of our Country.

Take a look the glass half empty? or half full?  It really is just what it is.  Are you going to be stuck debating this with someone or are you ready to move on and accept that the glass has water in it. It is time to move on and make a difference and adapt to the changing America that we live?

Visit the Facebook community page THE COMMON MISSION and support this new world that we are seeking.

Click the link above to read Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped up Kicks published on  Carpe Diem!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Artiste Walks Away Holding the Globe

Check the link....I couldn't help myself....I turned on E and the fashion was just talking to me, so I had to work with what was in front of me. Continue to stay tuned......

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reinvention in progress....

This site is on pause while undergoing a sort of reinvention. Thanks for stopping. Check back Feb. 1st.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Peace and New Beginnings

As the new year falls upon us, I "awake" to a white blanket of snow covering the ground, the world that surrounds me.

The snow is a sign of peace and forgiveness.  We start anew---forgiven for any vices, hopeful for every peace.  I put the past in perspective and start living a new future.

I sit still, quiet and stare at the serene scene of the new fallen snow.  I am present.  I feel the force of the future.

What is to come, you say?  Questions. Lots of questions and many different answers to a new beginning of a future unknown, only to be connected by the steps that I take.  Each day, each hour, each minute....bit by bit we lay a stone in the path for the journey.

Our journey, our life, our dreams, our choice.  Happy, sad, funny or mad.  Each day is one foot in front of the other with new questions and new answers yet to be dreamed.

You see, we are not alone on this journey.  Each one of us connected by the star dust that made us.  Some positive.  Some negative.  We are all kindered spirits on a journey.

Remain present.  Change your angle.  Put on your new glasses and you will be amazed at what you will find.

With each answer comes another stone in the path that we lay for the journey of our life.

Keep asking, keep dreaming, keep choosing the path you wish to build. Carpe Diem!

(Stay hungry. Stay foolish. -Steve Jobs)