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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Generation G ready for Battle in Washington

Article first published as Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped up Kicks? on Technorati.

Preface to the link above: There are many facets of President Obama's State of the Union Address that can be debated, discussed and of course soon brought to fruition, if we can all just take a step back and look at the common mission that we all face.

 My article is not going to discuss fracking and new energy or jobless rates and new business.  Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped Up Kicks is about looking at THE COMMON MISSION we all face in America.

 It is about looking at how far we have come in the last 4 years and by that I mean look wear Obama started in 2008.  Where were you in 2008?  Maybe you think you are not much better off, but look at the Dream....The American Dream that is out there for the taking.  So many are unemployed, but so many jobs in the technology sector sit empty.  What does that mean?  It means reinvention.....reinvention of yourself, reinvention of our Country.

Take a look the glass half empty? or half full?  It really is just what it is.  Are you going to be stuck debating this with someone or are you ready to move on and accept that the glass has water in it. It is time to move on and make a difference and adapt to the changing America that we live?

Visit the Facebook community page THE COMMON MISSION and support this new world that we are seeking.

Click the link above to read Mission Impossible? Who's Wearing Pumped up Kicks published on  Carpe Diem!

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