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Monday, July 29, 2013

It's Ultimately Your Choice To Influence Your Future

Self control is an interesting concept. We all have the capability to use it, but we don't always choose to.

There are moments in life that define the a matter of fact, every moment in life defines the future. Every move you make, every step you take...oh wait...that's a is true though. Every word that comes out of our mouths defines how the future will progress.

Some tend have a little bit lower self control than others. I tend to say what's on my can be the best gift ever...and another can be the worst gift ever.

Just realizing that words that you speak not only change your future, but other's future as well, is a great thing to recognize.

Many times we take words for granted and they hurt people without us realizing it. Those words might cause a chain reaction and change the way that person reacts which might be the wrong way which in turn is taken incorrectly by the initial person who had no idea that they hurt that person in the first place. time you do or say anything...take a moment to exert self control and make sure it is what you want to do or say...because it will affect not only you but the ones you are speaking to or acting out with.

As for Sting and The Police...I think I agree with every move you make, every step you take, every bond you break...affects the future...but the I'll be watching you part...a little creepy. From my perspective...the only one watching is yourself and the big man upstairs...but whatever you choose to do or say...everyone is watching and that my friend affects your future.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What is Light?

Light as defined by is something that makes things visible, an illuminating agent.

This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine...shine on you and even shine on me.

So, here's the simple gesture...just a simple one...can make a difference in someone's life.

It's happened to me tons of times. A friend says something that just hits you and you see a little light from something they said...even though it was something added to your day. It made a difference...sometimes...more than they would even know.

I read something recently that said (paraphrased)...try to see the light in everyone you meet...even if their light might not be burning at all. The cool thing about that the other person will see your light and it's going to bounce back and shine on them and maybe help them see things never know...that's the thing...we never know how our actions and words are going to affect another person.

We must remain cognizant and steadfast...and yes...breath. It's that little pause I have to take, when I'm about to get my heart racing because of somethings that are out of my control....and then...I breath...and the world settles down and calmness comes back to me. It might sound silly...but if it weren't for a friend who told me the way they get through to breath...I'm not sure where I'd be right now. That sounds a little heavy, but that simple offering of passing on something that helped him...helped me too.

It's the little things...that change the world. I can get caught up in making a big bang and wanting to really change the world with my hands, but...the truth is...we all can change the world with simple words like..."have a spectacular day." It's kind of nice when someone goes the extra mile to be more than average with just a simple word audible. (audible...used in the context of word change vs. QB play change).

When Miss America says the proverbial, "I wish for world peace." Little did we all peace begins with me. If we all let our light least world peace can be a part of the world we choose to live in...maybe not the entire world...but affecting those that live in our own network of friends and family...that is how we change the world.  So...go ahead...I dare you...just try and change your world that you live...let your light shine. What a wonderful would be.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Smiles are Free and Laughter is Contagious

It has been documented before...a man's life was saved because a stranger smiled and kept him from going over the edge.

Do you think that man smiling had any idea what the other was about to do?

Smiles are free and oh so priceless. To quote, oh yes I am, Justin Beiber..."You smile, I smile."


I may not have much money, but if I have a smile to flash that will brighten up your day, well, I think that makes me the richest person in the world.

Forest's mother was right..."Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get."

Life is bitter sweet in many ways. While you fight your battle and I enjoy my day, I can offer a smile.  When you have a good day and I fight my battle, you can offer a smile.

And if we kinda know each other and share a laugh or you take some time to just talk to me when I feel like crud, one never knows how much that can mean to another.

When I see genuine sincerity, someone doing something because they just want to help out another soul, it makes me want to be a better person. Holding a door because you want to, not because you feel you have to; going out of your way to make someone smile because you know they are down or simply helping a fellow co-worker navigate a new job; these things make me smile.

Navigating through life can be tough, especially when there are bumps in the road and even large crevasses.


One of my favo things to do is laugh...that's why I Love Lucy. I laugh so hard, I cry sometimes when I watch those black and white re-runs on TVland. Isn't that the best feeling...when you have a belly laugh and even better is an uncontrollable belly laugh.

We all just want to set our problems aside and just enjoy each other's laughs and smiles when we can. We have a term in our English language called human kind. We are all human, and we all can be kind. We need to practice both. Smiling and laughter are 2 great ways to give back to human kind and make our world a better place.

The best part, smiles are free and laughter is contagious.

That's one contagium that I don't mind catching. 2change2morrow :)

~This post is dedicated to everyone who has brightened my day, cracked a smile on my face and especially made me laugh. Cheers to you aMaZing souls!